Tonight I tried something from the Jean Pare "Light Casseroles" cook book. It is chicken in white wine sauce with mushrooms. I don't really cook chicken all that often so it was a nice treat. Now that we make our own wine, we've always got bottles kicking around so I can finally make the recipes that call for wine! To go with the chicken, I just put some canned corn and chopped up green olives together with a lemon dill spice for a cold salad. As well, I put some pre-dipped veggies on the plate. I love those little stainless steel bowls! Here's the chicken recipe:
2lbs boneless chicken breasts, skin and fat removed (I only had chicken thighs and not 2lbs worth either)
1can cream of mushroom soup
2cups button mushrooms (I had brown mushrooms that I chopped up and definitely not 2 cups!)
1/2cup white wine
Arrange chicken in 3L casserole.
Stir remaining ingredients in a bowl. Spoon over top. Bake, covered, in 350F oven for about 1 hour until tender.
MY REVIEW: I liked this. You can see in the picture that the sauce was pretty runny but very flavorful. The only thing about cooking with wine is it never makes the house smell good like when I make other things in the oven. Maybe it's just me though. I liked it and would make it again with more mushrooms!
JASONS REVIEW: 4 out of 5. It was tasty however he would have preferred chicken breasts. (I'm creating a picky connoisseur!)
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