This is who I was cooking for this Valentines Day. I made my first lasagna! It's not incredibly homemade I guess because I used sauce from a jar but it is home PREPARED. I knew when I cut into it, it wouldn't be pretty so here's a picture fresh out of the oven:
I didn't really follow a recipe but here's what I put in it:
6 whole wheat lasagna noodles
ground turkey
1 jar of tomato sauce
ricotta cheese
shredded mozerella cheese
fresh spinach
parmasean cheese
1 egg
First - cook your lasagna noodles. I guess you can also get oven ready lasagna noodles that don't need to be cooked but I had these ones already in the pantry.
So the I cooked the ground turkey up and mixed the sauce into it. Put that aside.
Mix everything remaining (cheesy layer) into a bowl. Keep some mozzarella and parmesan aside to put on top.
Start with an even layer of the sauce on the bottom of your casserole dish. Layer 3 of the noodles on top. Spoon an even layer of the cheese mixture on top of that. Next - sauce, noodles, cheese and 1 more layer of sauce on top of that. Sprinkle some mozzarella and parmesan on the top. Put it in the oven (covered) for 45 minutes at 350. Remove the cover and cook for an extra 10 minutes.
Here it is when I cut it..... I guess I didn't wait long enough but it smelled so good!
MY REVIEW: This was so good! I made way too much and will be eating it for days however. I'd like to try a meatless lasagna with more vegetables next time.
JASON'S REVIEW: The lasagna filled me up and made me forget that all my muscles were completely spent. It was a true miracle lasagna.
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