I am officially registered to go back to school in October, part time, to take the following classes:
All the desserts you love made in picture perfect form by your own hands. Learn to bake a wide array of both classic and trendy desserts — from tiramisu and crème brule to strawberry charlottes and vanilla bean panna cotta. But before you can give your first bite a try, you’ll also learn different forms of plate presentation using garnishes and sauces.
Think every occasion should be celebrated with a beautiful cake? Learn how you can make professional-looking cakes with dazzling decorative embellishments. Skill development in the areas of coating, borderwork, linework, simple flower piping of roses and inscription writing will be included, as well as the use of colour theory and practice. In every class you will enjoy both demonstrations and hands-on practice; you’ll even have the opportunity to combine everything you’ve learned to complete a one-tier wedding or anniversary style cake. There will be some equipment required for the course: a styrofoam dummy and board, decorating tips, bags, and a rose nail. These supplies will be available from the instructor on the first class at an estimated cost of $25.
I think it's time I learned how to actually cook/bake and perhaps do something with my new found passion! I'm nervous... as I always am... that everyone will be way better than me. Mostly I'm excited though :)
I'm excited to eat a lot of icing.
The cat barfed in the bed.
On your side.
Do you mean to say that a woman who can make penguins out of edibles is nervous about a cake making class? Give me a break... You will be the top of the class!