In the english muffin:
1 piece of turkey bacon cut in half
Handful of spinach leaves
For the potatoes, I cut up some fingerling potatoes and boiled them in water. While they were cooking I sauteed mushrooms and onions in a little bit of margarine. Once the potatoes were ready to rock I threw them in the frying pan and stirred them around until everything was crispy. I seasoned with fresh ground black pepper and some garlic powder.
MY REVIEW: I really liked the english muffin. I could skip the cheese every time and go for the spinach version. I guess the turkey bacon isn't really that great for you but it's better than the real thing. Potatoes were great. I was so happy when I finally realized that to make your own hashbrowns, you should probably cook the potatoes first. So many camping trips.... so many hard potato bits...
ON A SIDE NOTE, the last 2 pictures were taken using my phone. It's kind of a hassle to whip my huge camera out everyday... just incase you noticed the quality had gone down the drain! ALSO, for the record, I usually only ever take a picture of Jason's meal. My plate is never as fancy unless there's 2 plates in the picture. Plus I don't eat like a hungry man.
JASON'S REVIEW: He really liked the spinach and said it hit the spot since he was so hungry.
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