No recipes today - just some garden pictures. I figured these would be more interesting than a picture of the 3 fish-sticks, 14 french fries & spinach salad Jason made me for dinner (thank you Jason).
I spent some time watering and weeding this evening and took pictures of the progress:

We split our first strawberry tonight! Very tasty and we are looking forward to more but we're only going to eat them if they look like hearts.

This is my "mesculin" mix. I planted it last Saturday and it's very excited to grow. It grows in a big pot by the backdoor.

Jason took this picture of me looking for signs of grass growing in the backyard. Nothing yet!

This is our apple tree. Last year it gave us 11 apples. We took those 11 apples and made 1 pie. I think it's got more to offer this year.

The first little tomato growing in our hanging pot. Can't wait for these bad boys - I read in a magazine that you could scoop out the insides of a cherry tomato and fill it with hummus for a snack. I will most likely be doing that the minute it turns red.
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