Honey, on the other hand, knocked over her very full food dish and sent kibble flying all across the kitchen floor and front room floor (both of which had just been swept, washed and vacuumed). I must say, that cat is a real dream.
lean ground turkey
bread crumbs
1 dill pickle finely chopped
sprinkle of dried dill or freshly chopped dill
1 egg
salt and pepper
Mix all the ingredients and form into patties. Heat some olive oil in a pan and cook the turkey burgers on medium heat for about 7 minutes on each side. I put the patty on a whole wheat bun with mozzarella and spinach.
Cut the stems off and remove the smaller leaves around the bottom. Cut the tips off all the leaves. Start separating all the leaves and sort of spreading them out. Once you get to the middle there might be a little hairy bit that you are supposed to remove with a spoon. Stand the artichokes up in a saucepan with about 3" of water and a squirt of lemon juice. Boil, covered, for about 30 minutes until it's very tender. For dipping sauce, melt margerine, some lemon and a drop of Worcestershire sauce together. To eat, you pull a leaf off with your fingers, dip the bottom into the sauce then sort of pull the leaf through your teeth and suck out the flesh inside. Once you get to the middle you can pretty much pop the whole thing in your mouth because the leaves are so tender and you're at the heart. If you're interested in the exact measurements of anything, let me know. I just don't have the book in front of me right now.
MY REVIEW: I didn't eat the turkey burger but the artichokes were pretty good. They do take a little bit of time to prepare but it was worth it. Go to Superstore if you want to try them!
JASON'S REVIEW: Delicious. (The energy drink has worn off)
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